Email sent through on April 22 to all speakers in parallel sessions and lightning sessions

From: Networks 2021,
Date: April 22, 2021 RE: [Networks 2021] Reminder to submit schedule conflicts and update entry


You are receiving this because you are listed as a presenting author for an parallel session or lightning session talk at Networks 2021 for the submission listed below.

ID: Title

This is a reminder to let us know about any scheduling conflicts you may have on the week of July 5-10 if you have not already: . Please complete this by April 26. Preliminary schedules and session assignments will be made by May 10.

Additionally, please check your talk title, abstract, and author list and make sure it is correct and you have a text-only abstract in the system that we can load into our conference platform. You may do this by visiting ( )

Registration opening has been delayed, but we are working to get it open as soon as possible and we will alert you through email, society newsletters, and social media as soon as it is available.

Some authors have reported problems receiving emails either through this OpenConf system or from the domain. If you are concerned you might be missing some communcation, check this page ( ), where I will archive all major correspondence to speakers. You can also check the FAQ for your presentation type.

Thanks for your submission - we are excited this conference is now just 10 weeks away!

Sincerely, Ann McCranie, General Organizer